coCreationcamp is partner of CCIFM. The central idea of the Co-Creating Innovation for Future Market (CCIFM) will consider Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as the core enabler for innovation and then provide a bridge between innovation theories, design science theories, information system theories of innovation processes, management theories about innovation and linking it to the real world of practice.
See you in Copenhagen, June 18-19, 2012.
The Co-Creation Workshop June 18th-19th 2012
Venue At the Copenhagen Business School, Howitzvej 60, 6th floor, DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Updates and latest information
Please continue checking the website for latest information regarding the detailed workshop plan and speakers
How many times have we taken a walk in the woods with our eyes closed, metaphorically speaking? How many times are we so preoccupied with our own thoughts that we miss the co-creative potential of nature around us? We notice adaptive responses of plants, animals and little creatures to adjust to change. We notice how each living organism not only competes for survival but cooperates with other species for the larger sustainability of the ecosystem. At the core of their ability to cope with seasonal change is their ability to experience, adapt, and learn from their environment. As humans we consider ourselves evolved, intelligent beings, but the questions are: Have we evolved sufficiently to understand how to co-create an ecosystem of inter-dependent cultures spread over different geographical regions, and are we able to understand and learn from nature to how we engage in innovation for co-creating solutions to current challenges which can be sustainable?
Globalization has made co-creation an interesting area of human curiosity and research action. The challenge is how we should understand, create meaning around co-creation and use it to make our innovations sustainable, beyond our own geographical reference. The central question is how best to apply the idea of co-creation for innovation across borders that would distribute spoils of innovation in a more equitable manner through the creation of new and future markets. Our focus during this workshop and the CCIFM project is aimed at innovation for creating future markets.
The endeavor is not only to address the challenges, in terms of understanding co-creation, but by doing so, we intend to explore how new and future markets can be created with a focus on innovation by creating new sets of products, policies, strategies, alliances, services and models. To do that, co-creation does not presuppose the preeminence of knowledge: Implying, to co-create; people involved need not be from the same knowledge domain, but need to share an experience around a locus that might ideally enable them to focus on solutions from their own vantage point. Thus co-creation presumes experience as the locus for innovation and the driver for creating new markets, meaning individuals should share a common experience around a locus that they will use to work on the solution set. Hence co-creation shifts the focus from the preeminence of knowledge around a solution set to the preeminence of experience. To understand how this happens and how we might be able to build a framework around co-creating innovation using experience as a primary driver we need to ask ourselves some basic questions, for instance;
The scope of the workshop:
During the workshop, we will have eight sessions, each starting with a brief introduction to a challenge with examples of how co-creation might be identified as, while addressing the topical sessions, followed by plenary discussions with the aim to uncover additional ways that co-creation may be applied. The idea being in each session a question will be posed by the key note speaker with the help of a case. The group will then break out into parallel sessions to work on the case with creation as the key conceptual framework. This way we hope to bring out the ideas of co-creation while discussing a real case, thus trying to look for solutions around the locus of experience.
- What are the features of co-creation that can be used to create innovation for sustainability, a case from the financial sector?
- What role synchronicity plays in enabling the process of co-creation; a case from the music sector
- How co-creation should be used to create sustainable future markets, an inspiration from the open source community. Can we learn from this experience?
- What tools do we need to support the process of co-creation; A case from global outsourcing
- How best to use experience as the locus of the co-creation endeavor for innovation, A case of designing food co-creatively.
- What kind of processes best work during co-creation, A reflection from the bio-tech Industry
- To what extent can co-creation enable the redesign of policy making and the way we govern ourselves; A case from the public sector
- How would a methodology for co-creation look like; A case from the bio tech community
Structure of the workshop
The workshop will proceed along the contours of the questions above, meaning we will take up these issues in a discussion mode at the onset. To initiate the discussion we will have a short 10 min. presentation addressing each question. These presentations will be targeted at facilitating the conversation on the said topic.